Stan Price

Stan Price
Click here for more information about Stan.
Painting 101
We are very excited to have guest glass artist, Stan Price, teaching his Painting 101 class here at Blue Moon! 

Each student will trace and matte a piece of clear glass over a black and white design of their choice. Note: don't worry if you don't understand "trace" and "matte" - that is part of what you will be learning. Sample designs will be available, or students are welcome to bring their own. The size of the project will be 8" x 10".  Multiple layers of paint will be applied and the piece will be fired with the goal of creating depth and shading in one firing. By the end of the class, attendees should feel comfortable adding paint to any project. Students will understand the products and the process involved in creating painted projects. In addition, as part of the class, Stan will demonstrate using silver stain which is used to create the transparent yellow glow in historical painted windows. 

Stan will be teaching with Reusche paints and a variety of paint brushes. All glass, paint, materials and tools will be provided. And paint kits will be available for purchase after class.

Tuition: $225
This one day class will be Friday, April 6th, 2018, from 9am - 4pm.

Lunch provided by Blue Moon
Call 512-380-0770 to register.

Click on image below to be directed to a gallery of Stan's artwork.